How to create a new student account?

From the home page click on Registration or Register now button

Choose student

Fill all the data carefully (any wrong information will case your account to be suspended especially the parent phone number)

Don’t forget to enter the lecture number you want to start from (e.g. if you want to start from lecture 11 write 11 in this field) if you didn’t, you will not be able to start from this lecture.

then press (create my new account)

If you have a referral code from one of your friends you can enter it here, if NOT please leave it blank.

PLEASE read the e-mail address requirements carefully because you will not be able to login to the website if it is not met this requirements.

there is an e-mail that will be send to you in order to complete registration and confirming that your email address is valid

check your email inbox and click the confirmation link

congratulation, now you have an account on the website.

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